Works in Progress

  • Trojan Horses

    Trojan Horses: Voices from the Opioid Crisis is a poly-formal work of creative nonfiction which maps the trajectories of six opiate addicted clients and their therapists as they progress through treatment in an alternative to incarceration program in upstate New York.

    Trojan Horses uses narrative vignettes as well as clinical assessment materials, court records, therapy transcripts, and testimonials to chart the experiences of opiate addicted individuals and the helping professionals tasked with serving them. These multiple forms release narrative clues outside of chronological order, so the reader gains insight into the characters’ psychological underpinnings in a fragmented, piecemeal way, just as a therapist or client might within a clinical context.

    Each speaker is a composite synthesized from multiple consenting individuals, including a professional baseball player, a Black trans-woman mandated to a men’s rehab, a 9/11 first responder, a lawyer who relapsed following prolonged sobriety, a middle-class college junior, and a teenaged MS-13 gang member.

  • Gargoyle Vigil

    Gargoyle Vigil is a poetry collection in progress which examines complicated bereavement, guardianship, and the limits of linguistic expression.

  • Hard Bodies

    Hard Bodies is a collaborative curation of photos and testimonials that examine the idea of the body as a marked text through a guided tour of tattoos and scars.

    Details and invitations to follow.